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Mastering the Art of Goal-Setting in Life and Business: An Interview with Transformative Life Coach Kristina Trusova

Kristina Trusova
Kristina Trusova

Mastering The Art of Goal-Setting in Life and Business An Interview with a Transformative Life Coach Kristina Trusova

In the realm of personal development, finding a coach who genuinely connects with your journey can be transformative. Kristina Trusova is one such coach, she offers a compelling perspective on personal growth, happiness, and the importance of following one’s true path.

With over 13 years of experience in consulting people and businesses worldwide, her dedication to helping others navigate their life’s challenges and uncover genuine goals has led to remarkable transformations in the lives of many people, making her a beacon of inspiration in the world of life coaching.

We recently sat down with Kristina Trusova to explore the motivations behind her career, her unique coaching philosophy, and the profound impact she has had on their clients’ lives.

What inspired you to become a life coach, and how did your personal journey lead you to this profession?

Kristina Trusova: I’ve always been someone who needed a purpose — something that makes me wake up every morning with intention. But I realized that before I could set the right goals, I had to understand the true purpose of my life. My then-close social circles tried to convenience me that my purpose was to get married and have children, which are indeed important aspects of life. However, I questioned myself whether my purpose was confined to these roles alone.

This question became a powerful catalyst for my journey. For long years, I’ve been researching various philosophies, studying numerous methodologies, and learning from respectable coaches and lecturers worldwide. This exploration not only ignited my passion for life coaching but also laid the foundation for my consulting practice.

How would you describe your coaching philosophy, and what core principles guide your approach to coaching?

Kristina Trusova: The cornerstone of my coaching philosophy is helping my clients achieve happiness. I believe that being happy — truly happy, without falling victim to circumstances  — is the most sophisticated art in the world. To me, this is the ultimate purpose of human life, and each person has a unique mission that, when fulfilled, leads them to happiness.

When I begin working with a new client, I declare to them that all my recommendations serve a single purpose to help them become happy, regardless of the specific area we address. However, I must admit that not everyone is ready or brave enough to pursue happiness. Some clients come to me with very specific goals, and I always ensure they understand that achieving those goals might not necessarily help stop their suffering, resolve the root problem, and make them happy. At that point, some of my clients change their minds — others choose to pursue this goal despite anything.

What are some of the most common issues or challenges that your clients face, and how do you help them navigate these?

Kristina Trusova: Over the past two years, I’ve noticed a significant increase in clients seeking help with business and financial challenges — men and women alike. For instance, some entrepreneurs reach a financial plateau and struggle to break through despite their relentless efforts. Others may face business failures in certain regions, even though their business model has worked perfectly in a very similar environment.

In such cases, we dive deep into their situation, looking for the root cause of their difficulties. Often, identifying the true cause behind a negative event is enough to dissolve the problem. It’s a process of understanding the cause-and-effect relationships in their lives, which leads to organic solutions.

What are the common obstacles preventing people from becoming happy?

Kristina Trusova: In many cases, people’s unhappiness stems from pursuing goals that aren’t truly their own. These goals are often influenced by societal norms, family expectations, or even the life scenarios they’ve observed in their parents or grandparents. For example, someone might believe that getting married is essential because society celebrates it, but this may not align with their true life’s mission.

As an adult, the person tries to follow the same scenarios that according to their cognitive system are identified as good. However, what if the true mission of that person’s life was to become a Tibetan monk? In this case, neither he nor his wife would be happy in their marriage.

Moreover, the media, particularly the film industry, plays a massive role in shaping people’s value systems, often leading them to chase dreams that aren’t truly theirs. To be happy, one must pursue genuine goals that resonate with their true self.

How can someone identify their true goals?

Kristina Trusova: Today, there are many intuitive individuals who can hear their inner selves. People usually know their true desires and goals, but they may find them so fantastical or unachievable that they don’t permit themselves to pursue them or at least dream about these goals. Others may abandon their true goals under social pressure or because their family or friends think these goals are wrong.

One effective method is to recall who you wanted to become when you were a child. In childhood, we’re less influenced by external opinions, and our talents and genuine wishes are clearer. By correlating those early desires with your current life, you might find a way to apply your talents and implement those internal kid’s desires in your today’s life.

How would you define happiness?

Kristina Trusova: A happy person is someone who is fully satisfied with their life and is free from the opinions of others. Despite external criticism, these individuals stay committed to their path and their true goals, which ultimately makes them happy. Happiness, in essence, is the process of achieving your genuine goals.

Is there a versatile formula for overcoming difficult life situations?

Kristina Trusova: Often, the solution to a problem is obvious to the individual, but due to personal fear, social norms, or inherited life scenarios, they choose to keep suffering and not resolve the problem. The only advice I can give here: our destiny is in our own hands. We are always given challenges we can overcome.

Our external environment often reflects our internal self. If we attract negative situations or people into our lives, it’s crucial to analyze what personal traits, negative experiences or traumas have caused this. Understanding this internal trigger can often lead to the organic resolution of the problem.

In my practice, people who tend to make decisions leading to happiness have been through difficult situations and very tough conditions in their lives. They have been challenged to leave their comfort zone once to resolve those problems. So when they face a new problem, it’s easier for them to leave their comfort zone once again to resolve it.

Can you share a memorable success story where a client overcame significant challenges with your guidance?

Kristina Trusova: One of the most memorable success stories is that of a young female entrepreneur who came to me about four years ago, during her university years. She was in a very difficult financial and health situation — things were going so bad that she couldn’t even afford food. She even told me that she was so hungry once that she was watching people eating in cafes through windows.

After four years of our work, she has become the owner of a global marketing agency based in the United Kingdom. She has become a wealthy woman who financially belongs, I would say, to the top 3% of society and can afford not only to buy food but also luxurious leisure, real estate, car, and travel all over the world. Her journey from struggling student to thriving businesswoman is a testament to her determination and the effectiveness of our work together. She followed my recommendations diligently, and her life has transformed dramatically.

About Kristina Trusova

Kristina Trusova is a transformative life coach and author of the unique methodology of personal growth and development. She is the author of multiple articles about personal growth and a personal instructor with 13 years of experience in consulting people and businesses. Visit the official website of Kristina Trusova to learn more.

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